We Take Care of all Your Migration Needs

Product Engineering / Upversioning and Code Migration

Need For Upversioning And Code Migration

wai technologies customizes Upversioning and Code Migration. You can hire a team for various code migration scenarios.

While migrating existing applications, our expert team modernizes Application UI and recommends a suitable framework like ASP.NET Zero.

Our team can be hired for adding new features, modernizing UI and building enhancements. We work on Time and Material basis to provide you a range of services to meet requirements.

  • Migrate your existing .NET / ASP.NET / .NET legacy application code to ASP.NET Zero or ABP.IO Framework
  • Upgrade your existing ASP.NET Zero application with jQuery, Angular to newer version of ASP.NET Zero or ABP.IO
  • Upgrade from ASP.NET ZERO with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery to Angular and .NET core or ABP.IO MVC and jQuery to Angular
  • Upgrade from ASP.NET Zero with AngularJS 1.x to ASP.NET ZERO Angular 11
  • Upgrade from ASP.NET ZERO monolithic application to ABP.IO since ABP.IO offers a microservice-compatible, modular architecture where your existing module is split into multiple layers/projects and developed on its own completely isolated and independent from other modules
Migration Scenarios
Enhanced Application Experience Through Up Versioning And Code Migration single case study


Enhanced Application Experience Through Up Versioning And Code Migration

Helped a Manages Healthcare company migrate their major customer-facing production application on ASP.NET Zero to its latest version with minimal downtime and enhanced features. The customer faced challenges with ASP.NET ZERO version 3.1 to 8.0. Upgraded ASP.NET Zero to version 8.1 wherein the application supported .NET Core 3.1.