Streamlining IT Initiatives

Product Engineering / Enterprise Application Development

Need For Enterprise Application Development
  • Heterogeneous technologies and platforms evolve independently over a period of time
  • Company mergers/acquisitions create new additions to ecosystems, making it difficult to streamline and strategize IT initiatives with respect to custom applications
  • Custom applications need to meet best practice standards and comply with existing products within an enterprise
  • Paradigm shifts in development lifecycle with shorter development spans without compromising features
  • Every enterprise product needs to be a SaaS product on its own.

  • Agile Application Development
  • Quick turnaround
  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Best practice and standardization
  • Built on latest but stable environment
  • Testing Infrastructure
  • Cloud ready
  • Maintainability with Audit Logging
  • Integration with LOB systems
  • Long term support
Where wai Adds Value?
Wealth Management single case study


Wealth Management: Helping You Deliver Expert Advice

Build a Wealth Management platform intended to grow, manage, and help protect the wealth of its customers. This platform has features for Investment Management, Risk Management, Planning of Estate, Taxes, and Charities.